Ironing and putting concrete surfaces

To a large extent, the waterproofability of the enhancement structures can be increased by grouting and easy sealing surface performed immediately after laying a layer of concrete. The plaster made in this way is a single whole with the masonry of concrete and in the process of its operation will not be derained.

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Solution for plastering concrete surfaces is prepared in proportions 1: 0.5 or 1: 1. This solution on the surfaces from concrete is also smoothed (rubbed) by the cylma or steel blade. For. To achieve the smallest cracking of the plaster, it is added to it in a small amount of limestone dough, which contains one volumetric part of cement having a brand 300.  Thus, 3 pieces of pure, sifted, sand and 0 are added to the plaster.5 pieces of limestone test.

To produce railway plaster, which has elevated properties of waterproofing, cement mortar, fresh on the horizontal plane, must be sprinkled with a layer of B2 of a cannon dry cement and, immediately after it has been by water, to block it with steel celma. Such a process of performing a smooth surface, most often used when finishing floors, is called iron.
