Overhaul is a time-consuming and long-term process, compared with current repairs. And overhaul of the furnace is the same as shifting the furnace in a new way. After all, it is often necessary to redo the fifthly himself, and change it to the lining, and therefore alter the smoke-turning scheme and T.P.
And even though the lining is done without dressing with the main masonry, you still have to disassemble the wall to the entire height of the fuel from the Roshnik.
But the remission of the fuel tanks has a lot of variations: the fifumes with a deaf subsidement change to the fake with grille from grate and confused; Fuel skills for firewood are reworked for coal fueling. And here you will have to work thoroughly. As it will be necessary to disassemble the front wall, and under the masonry, and remove the doors.
Disobeying the fully former furnace, proceed to the device of the furnace of the new (for example, with a confusion). And, accordingly, under the new furnace install a new grate grid, a confusion and flue door. And only then restore the disassembled wall. At the same time, making brickwork, it is necessary to observe the dressing of the seams.
As for chimneys, they are completely disassembled. A, laying new moves, it is necessary to clearly withstand the old sizes, taking the new chimney with the main masonry.
The final stage of major repairs is the cooler of the furnaces, chimneys and walls of the furnace with a solution of refractory clay.
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