Industrial equipment

Industrial Equipment Articles Proektstroy – Building Internet Portal

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Industrial equipment

November 30, 2016.

Backway products – this is where the plant produces two similar products at the same time, but passing products also referred to products that are produced immediately after the production of the main product from one raw material. The backway product may not be intended for the same purpose that the main product of production, but it can be similar.

November 26, 2016.

The main difference between commercial (restaurant) stove and home stove is in durability and dimensions. Plates and winds in restaurants (as well as bakeries, cafes, bars and t.P.) have large sizes and are created in such a way to serve longer. Such plates are harder to spoil, including when fast cooking. More meals are preparing on restaurant stakes, and sometimes you need to prepare several dishes at once.

April 14, 2016.

Hydraulic oil suspension is used as a hydraulic device for device hydraulic cylinders without its own drive – presses, jacks, pipe bending. Hydraulic cylinders can be one-sided or two-way (Return of the rope hydraulic or spring).


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