Landscape design

A person will always pull to nature and does not matter where he lives in a multimylion city or in a small settlement. Of course, those people who live in big cities there are no such opportunities of unity with nature like rural residents. Maximum that residents of apartments can make their accommodation in ecostel, filling out it with a large number of plants and organizing various landscapes in the premises.

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And people who have their own sites just God himself ordered to grow the cultivation of the garden and the garden, and also create any ideas related to landscape design on their plot.

Landscape design styles have existed for a long time, even in ancient Egypt and Rome have existed their garden styles. Over time, these styles gradually transformed.

At the moment, traditional landscape design styles with their blooming gardens, small ponds and lawns acquire more and more interest.

A significant role in the organization of gardens is played by decorative details that are used more and more. The most popular decorative details include pots, bridges, bird feeding feeders, vases and sculptures. And not only simple sculptures, and also green sculptures that are created from shrubs.