To apply texture plaster, it is enough to use a spatula and roller, this work does not require special skills and knowledge. Methods of applying plaster. With such a finish of the walls, they will not need to put them and align, and for various colors, no additional coloring of the walls is required. With the help of decorative plaster, wall decoration has a finished look. Even when repainting the surface in other colors, the texture remains unchanged. By the way, you can currently choose the SRO builders in Moscow you can on site – .
The surfaces of the walls for applying decorative plaster must be without residual paint, wallpaper or chalk, and necessarily dry.
First, the walls are ground, the cracks are closed with a mixture of plaster, the entire surface is covered with a primer on an acrylic basis and dried.
If you make two different colors, you need a surface thoroughly overlook the smooth plaster, covered with primer and sand. Between coatings To perform the boundary line, a seal is used for windows or painting tape.
With such a decoration of the walls you will need: metal ironing, sponge, water, pelvis and spatulas of different sizes.
The most important thing in this work will so that the paint does not flow and do not have time to dry on large surfaces, otherwise the boundaries will notice.
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